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We have a wonderful thriving Nursery and children can start the term after they turn three.

Did you know that children can have 15 hours a week FREE nursery provision in our school Nursery once they are 3 years old? Some children dependant on work commitments are entitled to 30hours!


At St Mary & St Paul’s, our teaching is underpinned by Christian values, as we aim to help all of our children to become both successful and thoughtful citizens.

This begins in Nursery Class, where we help our youngest children to learn how to be a good friend, help others and be kind. Learning is through fun play activities- most of the time children are having so much fun they don’t realise that they are learning at all!

Our Foundation Stage is really well equipped with resources that make learning fun- both inside and outside- and our children really enjoy all of the learning that they do.

Meet the Staff

Nursery teacher

Mrs Craig

Nursery teacher
Nursery TA3

Mrs Makowski

Nursery TA3
EYFS lead and Reception teacher

Mrs Watson

EYFS lead and Reception teacher
Reception TA3

Mr Grenside

Reception TA3

Mr Gordon


Session Timings/ Wraparound Costs

If your child is funded for 15 hours
(further sessions can be purchased)

Our sessions are three hours long. Session times may be either:

  • Morning Session: 8.40am – 11.40am.
  • Afternoon Session: 12.20pm- 3.20pm

Parents can pay for additional sessions at an additional. This is also due to capacity and availability. Please contact school for information.

A Typical Day in Nursery

A typical day in nursery can differ between children and their learning experience and interests. However, a typical ‘run through the day’ might be a little like this:

  • Arrival at nursery, find peg and hang coat up.
  • Find your name card and “write” your name on the self-registration sheet.
  • Match your name card to your photograph.
  • Make a decision about where you want to learn.
  • Listen for our ‘stand still song/ tidy up song’ it’s time for group learning on the carpet.
  • Go to your carpet space to say hello and continue your group learning with the adults.
  • Make a decision where you would like to continue your learning, will it be inside or outside?
  • Stop for a bite to eat in the snack area after washing your hands.
  • Go to the toilet! Wash your hands again.
  • Choose somewhere else to learn or return to what you were doing before.
  • Listen for our ‘tidy up song’ and put everything back where it belongs.
  • Join your friends back onto the group carpet area for a story and rhyme time.
  • Get ready to go home or stay for lunch or after school club.

Within a typical week in Nursery children will experience focused learning sessions with the teacher or TA. This will be linked to specific learning areas or interventions to support your child academically. Some of these activities include

  • Listening and Attention games
  • Speech and Language activities
  • RWInc sessions – teaching of early reading
  • Maths sessions – teaching of early maths.
  • Physical Development activities.
  • 1:1 or small group work.

For further information contact school on

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