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Information for Parents

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are very grateful to you for all your ongoing support.  Up to this point we are still awaiting updated guidance from the DFE at with a rise in cases we want to ensure that we are ready for September.  Our hope is to continue with some areas of school life that have worked and also look at a number of ways we might adapt practise to return so more normality to school life.

Our plan is to start September following this guidance but will review by October dependant on government guidance and cases in the area. Governors and staff have now met to discuss the plans and we have decided that

  • Staggered lunchtimes and breakswill continue as will .
  • Nursery provision will return to AM/PM sessions.

In this letter, I will be outlining areas of our normal school routines which we have identified as part of our risk assessment, that will either return to more normality or remain as they are currently. We hope that the measures we have put in place will continue to reassure you as we aim to keep any risks to a minimum. While we cannot eliminate the risk completely, we have done our best to ensure it is minimised.

Below are a number of the measures we will be taking.

Teaching staff Each teaching group will have at least one teacher and a teaching assistant. These adults will remain with this group.  Small groups may be taken out but one of the adults from the bubble will deliver this and they will not mix with other year groups.   This measure is needed to ensure smaller teaching groups and to avoid cross contamination.
Stationary School will provide children with pencils etc as usual but they will not be able to share equipment. Parents may wish to provide their child with their own pencil case, pencils, pens, eraser, ruler, colouring pencils for their sole use in school.
Marking Books We have adapted our Feedback Policy and are going to make changes that aim to bring more independence to children and utilise strengths from the last few years.
Curriculum Our curriculum will follow the plan that is outlined on the school website.  This curriculum has been planned out to suit the children we have in our school and is broad and balanced.  Our aim is to ensure all children are not just ready for secondary school but also  inspired to look deeper into subject areas and find passions and interests.
Break Children will be reminded of social distancing measures at breaktimes. These times will be staggered according to teaching groups and children will be reminded to stay away from all other groups.
Lunchtime Either a packed lunch/hot meal provided by school or a packed lunch provided by parents can be eaten.  School lunches will be provided back in the hall but at staggered times.  There will be time for exercise and again these times will be staggered according to teaching groups and will need to comply with social distancing where possible.
Water Bottles Please provide a water bottle with your child that can remain with them for the day.  We won’t be able to share bottles in school.
Hand washing Regular handwashing will be in place for teaching groups. The children will wash their hands when coming into school, before eating, after using the bathroom, before leaving school and regularly during the school day.  This will be with either soap and water or santitizer.
Online Learning Google Classroom is now established and we will support children to access this at as we will share homework on here.  If we need to close down a classroom due to an outbreak then learning will be posted on here.
Friday This will return to normal and children will be in school until the end of the staggered day.
Cleaning rota Our cleaning team will be increasing their rotas and teaching staff will also have access to appropriate cleaning materials in the classroom. High touch points such as light switches will be cleaned more frequently than usual.
Classrooms Each teaching group will remain in the same classroom with the same people as far as possible.
Uniform Children will be expected to wear uniform, please see our uniform section and stick to school uniform rules.
End of the day At the end of the day collection will be via the field gate and Path and it will take place at staggered times to reduce footfall. Collection will be on the playgroup for most groups. Nursery/Reception will continue to be at the front of school.

As you can see, there are many aspects that we have had to consider when thinking about re-opening. There will no doubt have to be modifications to these plans as we see how they work in practice.

School start times and finish times

Class Bubble Start of day


Start of day


End of Day


End of Day

Collection point

Nursery AM 8.40 Nursery 11.40 Nursery


Nursery PM 12.20 Nursery 3.20 Nursery


8.50 Nursery/Reception Door 3.15 KS1 Door

Near Main Reception

Year 1


8.50 KS1 Door 3.15 Playground

Access Via Junior Path or Large gate on field

Year 2 – 6


8.50 Junior Path 3.15 Playground

Access Via Junior Path or Large gate on field

Nurture 8.55 Via Car Park

at After School Club exit

3.10 Via Car Park at After School Club exit

Wear a mask to keep others safe
Key Messages remain at drop off and pick up

  • On paths by school stand to the side to allow others to pass
  • 1 Parent to drop off/collect where possible
  • Keep young children off timber trail and gym equipment.


The public health advice regarding symptoms remains the same.

If your child displays any of the following symptoms:

  • high temperature
  • new and persistent cough
  • loss or change in sense of taste or smell

Your household will need to stay at home, follow national guidance on self-isolation and arrange a free test via or by calling 119. Siblings should not come to school. You should remain at home until the test result comes back. If the result is positive you should continue to self-isolate for at least 10 days. It is very important that you keep us informed by ringing the school office. Any test results need to be shared with school.

Parents still need to ensure that they have plans in place for their children to be collected from school at very short notice and for children to be looked after for a 10 day isolation period. You may need to talk to your employer about this.

School continues to be committed to ensure that we support families as much as possible.  If you need anything then contact us on

Kind regards

Mr Iain Parks

Sent on Behalf of the governing Body

St Mary and St Paul’s.

COVID School Risk Assessment Version 17 January 2022

COVID Case Warn and Inform

School PE kit letter

COVID Jan 2022

STREP A Scarlet Fever

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